is a joint project of David K and his animal, Rabbi Meow Meow. They live and work in Brooklyn and enjoy many of the same things. Hanging out with cute boys, napping, walking around in the middle of the night, cashmere sweaters, having company for dinner, fucking with things until they break; these are a few of our favorite things.

They have some points of divergence however. David likes to wear his sweaters and Rabbi prefers to sleep on his and pluck them to threads. Rabbi enjoys chicken and David prefers salmon. David likes to nap on the sofa and Rabbi enjoys attempting to tear the upholstery off it. Rabbi is effortlessly charming whereas David cycles through charm, anxiety and crankiness. Rabbi doesn’t care about New Order or the Young Royals, David wouldn’t know what to do without them.

One thing is immutable, they both want you to be as effortlessly charming, popular and adorable as Rabbi. They believe that if you wear some of Rabbi’s new cotton designs, this could happen. Or at least people will ooh and ahh over your wicked cute clothes.